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All About Mahjong Tiles

Mahjong tiles are very challenging and fun to play. It’s a classic game from China that dates back centuries. Now it’s available online for all to enjoy at home. Players take turns and place their tiles into their matching rows and stacks to form their winning strategy. They use the same strategy to remove tiles from their opponents’ rows and stacks to form their own.

Basic rules are simple: match up opposing tiles in the same row or column by color or by value. Players alternate moves until a player has no remaining tiles on the board. The game ends when a player has no remaining tiles to place in a new matching row or column and there are no remaining players. One-piece mahjongs are the basic mahjong pieces and are played in the same way as regular Mahjong. A player can have as many different pieces as they want but all of them must be of the same color and you can only have two of each piece.

There are several types of mahjong tiles that a player can have. Some are referred to as reserve blocks, for example, where the player can discard any number of cards to make sure they have just the right number of cards to place in a new row or column. Other reserve blocks have restrictions on what can be placed in them such as not being able to be used for a move and once a player uses a certain block on that position they have to move their other pieces out of that position to another open position on the board. And finally there are free standing blocks that can be moved anywhere on the board. These are useful for making a big change in strategy that could see you winning the game. As you gain experience in playing mahjong you will learn which types of blocks work best for you.

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